Here Lie the Remains

The writings of Karl Quinn

Talking Hawking: Eddie Redmayne on the pleasure and pain of playing a living legend

It takes years of training: Eddie Redmayne as Stephen Hawking in <i>The Theory of Everything</i>.

Most actors will readily acknowledge that playing a real person carries with it a burden of responsibility – you want to get it right, for them and for those who knew them. When that person is alive, and famous, the stakes are higher. But when that person is Stephen Hawking – certified genius, theorist of creation and celebrated survivor of a disease that was meant to kill him in his youth – you can easily imagine that the pressure might have been, well, crippling.

“I’m not going to lie,” says Eddie Redmayne, the 33-year-old English actor who plays Hawking in The Theory of Everything, in a role that ranges from the Cambridge physicist’s early 20s to his mid-50s. “You do this weird thing where you try to get a job and in that process you tell everyone quite confidently that you think you can do it. And then the second you get the job, you have a moment of elation followed by the reality that you’ve actually got to do the thing now.”

And then?

“And then, a crushing fear.” he says with a laugh.

Redmayne is one of the rising stars of the British acting world. Freckle-faced, skinny, impeccably well-dressed and rather posh – he was at Eton at the same time as Prince William (and fellow actor Tom Hiddleston) – he counts Benedict Cumberbatch among his best friends. Big things have long been expected of him, but The Theory of Everything – based on a memoir by Hawking’s first wife, Jane Wilde – is his first clear shot at fulfilling that promise.

Redmayne knows full well that roles like this don’t come along terribly often. “It did seem for a while I would only do movies with a colour in them,” he says, referring to a back catalogue that includes Elizabeth: The Golden Age, The Yellow Handkerchief, Powder Blue and Black Death, seemingly in deference to his own crimson-hued moniker. “I thought it might be a lucky talisman,” he adds, “but some of them were good and some not so good.”

Hawking was diagnosed with ALS, a form of motor neuron disease, when he was 21, and given two years to live. Though he defied that prognosis, his body soon began to fail him; by his late 20s he was in a wheelchair; by the late 1970s his speech was indecipherable to all but those who knew him best; since 1985 he has used a computer to speak for him.

Portraying that decline accurately was crucial for Redmayne. “I’ve always been one of those people who really believes what I see on the screen,” he says. “I felt a responsibility to be absolutely true and authentic to what ALS is.”

Redmayne spent nine months in preparation for the role, including four months working with a dancer to train his muscles for the long periods they would effectively be locked into one position. “The bits where he’s very immobile actually are not relaxed,” he explains. “You’re trying to shorten lots of muscles in your body and face. Even if it looks still there’s lots of contortion.”

Making things even harder, he adds, was the fact “we often had to jump in and out of different time periods on the same day … I’d be playing him in his 40s in the morning and then in the afternoon you’d be in his 20s, and then back again. It was challenging.”

It is inevitably Redmayne’s performance that has drawn most attention, but the film belongs equally (well, almost) to Felicity Jones, who is terrific as Jane. The pair have said that The Theory of Everything is not a movie about a disease but rather a love story.

Given the source material was Jane’s memoir, it might all have turned out rather differently. In her first take on their 30 years of marriage, 1998’s Music to Move the Stars, Jane Hawking described her ex-husband as a “tyrant” who “has the body of a Holocaust victim and the needs of an infant”. She claimed he was an “all-powerful emperor” who “has a way of manipulating people and situations so he has his own way”.

The role: Eddie Redmayne in <i>The Theory of Everything</i>.

The film, though, draws on her revised account, Travelling to Infinity, published in 2010, in which her assessment is rather more forgiving.

“I think it was quite raw and, as all these things are, very complicated,” Redmayne says of the first book. “I think the second version was looking back in hindsight.”

There’s certainly very little sense in the film of the “tyrant” of that first account and, if that figure made itself apparent to Redmayne in his research for the role, he’s not willing to pay it too much heed. “I don’t think it’s my place or position to judge Stephen, but he certainly has extraordinary strength and phenomenal intellectual confidence and has had to deal with this punishing disease that frankly means you’re entirely reliant on someone else. And how one chooses to cope with that, unless one has been in that situation, I think it’s pretty difficult to make a judgment on.”

Judgment, of course, is a two-way street, and Redmayne’s greatest concern in taking on the role was how he, and the film, would be assessed by the man he portrays.

“Stephen is a strong man and not someone who is going to give approval unless you’ve earned it,” he says, adding that while he would have loved Hawking’s blessing before starting on the production it was never going to happen.

He met the man himself, and Jane, about five days before they started filming, but by that stage Redmayne was deep into his characterisation. “It was pretty terrifying,” he says of that moment. “There was this fear, ‘What if I meet him and all this work I’ve done is wrong?'”

Hawking’s only means of communicating now is a twitch of the muscles in his cheek; his speech is produced by a program that interprets that movement at the rate of about one word a minute.

In his eagerness to please, Redmayne says, “I made a complete fool of myself. There are these long pauses and I suffer from verbal diarrhoea, and I was so nervous meeting him – he’d become sort of an idol in my mind – that I ended up just spewing forth information about him to him. It was pretty horrific. But then I calmed down and it was wonderful.”

Redmayne can’t pretend to have understood every aspect of Hawking’s work on black holes and the time-space continuum – “It was a disaster,” he says of his crash course in cosmology, “I gave up science at 14 because I was useless at it” – but it wasn’t for want of trying. He plundered websites, read extensively, even tapped one of Hawking’s past PhD students for some help. “He was giving me the intricacies, and I was like, ‘Please, imagine I’m seven. Tell me what an atom is’.”

Clearly, enough stuck that his performance – which does include large slabs of excitedly chalk-scrawled equations – has the ring of truth. And, crucially, it’s received the (metaphorical) thumbs up from the harshest critic of all.

“I saw Stephen just before he saw the film for the first time and I said, ‘Look Stephen, I’m really nervous; do let me know what you think’,” Redmayne says. “He took a few minutes to respond and then he said in his iconic voice, ‘I will let you know what I think, good or otherwise’.”

He did like it, and well enough to see it again, and to give permission for the film to use his distinctive synthesised voice (he has copyright over it). But at the time, Redmayne says, all he could think was, “Thanks Steve. Maybe we can stick the ‘otherwise’. I don’t need to know all of the things I got wrong.”

(Originally published 16 January, 2015)

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